National Day of Prayer and Fasting 2022

Pastors throughout the CRC are encouraged to arrange practical avenues to make concentrated prayer for our whole movement for the items listed below. This may be focusing your normal prayer meetings for this time, it may be arranging extra special prayer times, or using the opportunities in small groups or other avenues to encourage prayer.


Prayer Points

From Barry Silverback
International Missions Director

  1. A healing and restorative move in the lives of all of God’s people addressing those things that may have affected people’s lives because of the long periods of disruption and restrictiveness (lock downs) from the COVID-19 pandemic. It has been huge in the developing nations.

  2. A renewal of the spirit of evangelism and passion to engage in presenting the simple message of the gospel to people in our immediate communities and our own nation; a return to personal one to one evangelism and outreach.

  3. To be bolder in finding ways to embrace, accommodate and overcome the financial and physical obstacles that might be in the way of the present wave of hungry persons pressing at our doors to be better equipped and trained for service for Christ. To find a way.

  4. A bold challenge to all our churches and individuals to "keep on loving", regardless of the setbacks and disappointments - never stop loving - keep loving people and loving God - that’s the key to "keep on keeping on".

  5. A new refreshing from the Spirit in the lives of all of God's people with a passion to present Christ beyond - those restrictive images and boundaries that may have appeared over the past two years of imposed restrictions.

From Pr Mike Cronin
Australian Missions Director

  1. Releasing people from fear related to COVID-19, the harsh lockdowns, and the push for anti-Christian laws in many countries, so that they will rise in confident faith and trusting God. People to be secure in the fact that they are loved by God and as a result that perfect love will cast out all fear.

  2. People young and old, will rise with passion to train and be actively involved in serving God – winning people to Christ and planting dynamic self-multiplying churches.

  3. Training facilities to be prepared for a wave of new people wanting to be trained for effective ministry.

  4. A genuine revival awakening across our world that will draw many people to wholeheartedly commit their lives to follow and obey Jesus.

  5. New countries to open up to the CRC to be established there, thus working toward our International vision of a Presence in Every Nation by 2045.

From Pr Bill Vasilakis
Australian National Chairman

  1. For all our National Chairmen and the Lead Pastors of all CRC Churches.

    • That the Holy Spirit will guide them as they prayerfully process the aftereffects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the spiritual condition of their congregations.

    • And that the Holy Spirit will equip them to prophetically minister God’s Word to counteract any faith limiting and growth restricting mindsets that may have settled on their people over the past two years.

  2. For all our CRC people to be encouraged to step up their personal witnessing about Jesus.

    • That the Lord will help them realise that individuals and communities are now more open to spiritual realities.

    • That they will see that their neighbours are searching for life’s true meaning due to the shaking effects of war, civil strife, government corruption, economic pressures and fear of COVID-19.

  3. For all CRC National Movements to step up their strategy of outreaching into new areas in their nations and to plant more Churches.

    • That each nation will take some concrete faith steps over the next 12 months to reach out with apostolic fervency and anointing into another nation.