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International Missions Director

Pr Barry Silverback

Pr Barry Silverback is the International Missions Director for CRC Churches International. He is respected by church leaders in many nations for the Apostolic Calling on his life and the fruitful work of his ministry which has seen literally hundreds of churches planted over many years. His passion is to reach the nations and win lost people for Jesus Christ.


Australian Missions Director

Pr Phil Cayzer

Pr Phil Cayzer has taken on the role of Australian International Missions Director for CRC Churches International from Pr Mike Cronin. Pr Mike grew and inspired missions’ involvement for over 12 years, with so many new missions’ fields being opened up to the CRC.

Pr Phil has been serving as a CRC Pastor for over 30 years within turningpoint Churches, and has planted 8 local churches, and supported several other churches throughout Australia.

Pr Phil began his Christian walk at 17 years old, when he had an encounter with God after a youth camp. From this time on he served in the Leongatha CRC Church, where he met and married his wife Pr Norma. Together they felt the call of God to move to Cranbourne Christian Centre, which is now known as turningpoint Church Cranbourne, and took over the senior leadership position from Pr Nancy Harkness.

Pr Phil’s vision for missions evolved not long after moving to Cranbourne, when he led his first mission trip to Papua New Guinea, bringing along half the Cranbourne church. Pr Phil’s mission endeavours have only continued to grow from this first trip, now supporting Bible colleges across Africa, in Papua New Guinea and India, with a vision to start a new Bible college in every nation as a base for church multiplication.

Pr Phil is passionate to fulfill the CRC Churches International mission to have a ‘presence in every nation of the world by 2045’ and intends to complete this goal by raising up active leaders who can then go out and build up new leaders for the church.

Matthew 28:19-20

19 “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”