
missionS trips


Short Term Missions Trips

Visits by teams to other countries increase the awareness of mission work, assist and encourage local pastors and workers, build relationships across our CRC family, and provide valuable cross-cultural ministry experience.

Short term exposure (2-3 weeks) to overseas fields continues to be a growing part of CRC mission work. The impact on our fields is very positive and allows for many different ministry expressions - evangelism, ministry to children, Bible schools, sharing in small groups, drama and visitation.

These trips are viewed as an important investment into the lives of those who go and a blessing to those who are hosting a visit.

Visits are co-ordinated by the CRC Missions Office. If a local church is not able to mobilise their own team, it may be possible to join a team from another church.


Building Teams

Some people think that missions work is only preaching and teaching, but there are so many other aspects and opportunities for involvement. Practical skills are always needed on the fields - general maintenance and repairs, building, plumbing, electrical, painting and more.

Some projects have included the building of churches and Bible schools in Papua New Guinea (PNG), Vanuatu, the Solomon Islands, Fiji and the Philippines.


Medical Teams

Throughout the world there is a cry for help with basic medical needs. Many people die each year from what we know as 'preventable diseases'. Facilities are often very limited and of a low standard. Some locations have no medicine at all - not even Panadol or aspirin.

There is a great need for volunteer medical helpers - doctors, nurses, dentists and health care workers - who can provide basic care which is not always available to people in developing nations. CRC medical teams have been deployed in PNG, the Philippines and Sri Lanka.


Disaster Relief

Floods, earthquakes, cyclones and tsunamis can occur at any time leaving people in desperate need. We can help alleviate some of the suffering by providing practical assistance to rebuild/repair and provide funds to help local people in their time of need.