Cairns Family Church in Japan 2019

In September 2019, Cairns Family Church conducted its first international missions trip to Japan. We sent a team of seven youth and young adults to outreach with and minister at Lifehouse Sapporo. Lifehouse is a group of nearly 20 contemporary churches in Japan associated with Australian Christian Churches (ACC).

Firstly, our team spent two days in Tokyo and visited the mother church there. We were lucky enough to be flying up to the North Island the very day that they had a Typhoon which grounded all flights. Instead we went via the eight-hour bullet train ride into Sapporo (the capital city of the North Island with a population of 2 million). 

In being briefed for the week of outreach to come we were explained about the state of Japan. When surveyed, the most common response of young people in Japan was that they had either one or no significant friends. This, coupled with the incredibly high demand of workplaces, sheds light into the country's alarming rate of 30,000 suicides each year. 

Furthermore, Japan is a place of rich culture and history. A majority of Japanese people have a culture of Shintoist or Buddhism, but only hold to the notions of superstition and tradition while being closer aligned with atheism or agnosticism. 

Although around 1% of the population identifies as Christian, that statistic includes the Mormons, Jehovahs Witnesses and all other Christian derived religions which are common in Japan. The true number of spirit filled believers is very low. 

However, Japan has religious freedom and is a tinderbox ready for revival.

Our main method of outreach was sports in the park or card games in cafes. While Japanese reject the relevance of Western religion immediately, they love foreigners and are very open (and excited!) to making an international friend.

We would invite those young people around us to join us in our games with a very high participation rate. Over the week, we connected with over 100 individuals.

After getting to know them, we would ask to get a photo with them (which they were always super excited for) and then tag them through Instagram. This creates a lasting connection with them. We would then invite them to our Sunday afternoon Australian themed party and church beforehand.

On the Sunday we had three come from our outreach and some others come through connections with church members. All three who came responded to the salvation call! This was very exciting for both our team and the local church.

Our Australian party was a lot of fun with fairy bread, Vegemite, Tim Tams, Milo and more. We played some of our youth games like Hopscotch, Paper Scissors Rock, which they loved.

We plan to continue visiting the church in Sapporo every year and feel God saying that he has an incredible harvest there.

Japan is very underreached and the prevailing church mindset is that it is not a missions field. However, it is not just for holidays, it is filled with 180 million people who need to hear the Gospel. Please pray for Japan because its need is great and the opportunity greater. 

Thank you, 
Thomas Wright 



CRC International Women's Convention 2019


The CRC’s International Women’s Convention 2019 took place at Bethel Tabernacle of Praise in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea (PNG) during the first week of July. Ladies came from all over PNG with additional ladies traveling from Australia and New Zealand to attend the convention.

The week consisted of morning, afternoon and evening worship and preaching sessions, along with an early morning prayer at PNG’s Parliament House, water baptisms, electives and more. Pr Barry Silverback and the team of ladies from Australia, led by Pr Norma Cayzer, were the keynote speakers throughout the convention.

A highlight of the convention for all were the items. International teams and groups from each region/province within PNG had opportunities to perform something special for those in attendance. Singing, dancing and different cultural dress brought an atmosphere of fun and excitement to the program.

Please watch the video included below and take your time looking through the pictures. Hopefully these will help to portray the amazing and inspirational week enjoyed by those who attended the convention.


Adelaide Christian Centre in Solomon Islands 2018


It was a delight for me to go to the Solomon Islands with 11 young people from our church (Adelaide Christian Centre) in July 2018. We had a great time even though not all of our plans eventuated as we thought they would. One thing about the mission field is that not everything goes according to plan and you have to be adaptable and flexible to handle unexpected changes. In spite of some of minor hiccups, the trip was very fulfilling for me.

I am really proud of our team in how they extended themselves and interacted with the folk we were with on a daily basis. It is so fulfilling to see young people be a blessing and also to be blessed through these missions trips. Down below we have a video and some pictures of our trip, as well as some testimonies from the majority of our team.

Ps Mike Groom


God has a wonderful plan for everybody’s life. God gives us talents and He wants us to multiply them (Matthew 25:15-30). The best way to achieve this is to serve and share. This missions trip was a great opportunity to fulfil this.

We never know how God may use us. I have worked with kids for more than ten years, I have learnt Spanish in university, and I was in kids and prayer ministries in my church in my home country. I was so excited to have had these experiences and to share with the people in Honiara and to serve them. Through this I could glorify the Kingdom of our Lord.

Mission trips are a time when we get to know our hearts better and learn more about God’s love. We begin to realise His support and sometimes even gain a greater understanding of the plan that He has made for us.

Oksana Barylo

Throughout this trip to the Solomon Islands I enjoyed observing our team members and the way everyone fit in so well to the culture and environment around us. It was a lot of fun getting to know the other members of the team more and seeing how everyone got along so well with people from another culture. We all made new friends and mixed in very well with those around us.

I loved visiting the Solomon Islands and enjoyed going to places I have never been before - the settlement at the Honiara rubbish dump and the paediatric ward at the National Referral Hospital. I was once again reminded of some of the great needs within the nation, in particular regarding the lack of medicine within the whole nation at the moment. Witnessing these needs encourages me to think of how I can make a difference within the nation.

What we see and experience on missions trip is something special. I encourage everyone to go on a missions trip if the opportunity arises and if you are able.

Mikaela Groom

I think that every missions trip brings along its own set of challenges and growing opportunities. This year, I found that God was developing in me a stronger desire to serve when I became exposed to the needs of those around me.

Going to the rubbish dump, I saw the need for hands, feet and heart - hands to feed, build and serve, feet to walk across cultural and socioeconomic boundaries and the need for a heart to care and to love others enough to instigate action where it is needed.

I think that there is so much that we can all do - may it be big or small - to make a difference in other people’s lives. This is probably what I was challenged most about during this recent trip to the Solomon Islands.

Ester Manego

One thing that stuck in my mind during this trip were the words on the sign at the back of the Honiara church stage - ‘Missions: The Heart of God’.

Seeing a group of young people sacrificing their holidays, time and money to intentionally take part in what is the very heartbeat of God was the greatest thing for me. We were all able to overcome fears, stretch ourselves and step out into what is unfamiliar, trusting God that he would use us in whatever capacity He wanted to.

It reminds me of something King George VI once said: And I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year, “Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown.” And he replied, “Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the Hand of God. That shall be to you better than light and safer than the known.”

Paolo Manego

Going to the Solomon Islands was not what I expected. I really got a different perspective of living, but it was wonderful. All of the people were very friendly and playing with the kids was amazing. I really loved it. It was a great experience.

Jireh Sagun

Our trip to the Solomon Islands was an experience that I will always treasure and will never forget. Although we were the ones travelling to the Solomon Islands intending to give our time and service, we definitely received so much more than we gave.

Of course, my most favourite part of the Solomon Islands trip was spending time with the kids and seeing their joyfulness towards the simplest things. I definitely recommend going on a missions trip to everyone.

Zoe Manego

There are few words that I can use to describe the emotions I felt during my missions trip to the Solomon Islands. I definitely enjoyed experiencing new environments, such as visiting the close- knit community situated in the rubbish dump, visiting the paediatric ward at the hospital, and of course engaging in play with the local children.

God is constantly giving me new perspectives in different aspects of my life back here in Australia by continually reminding me of what I experienced over in the Solomon Islands. This missions trip truly embodies the meaning of a humbling experience. I cannot wait for the next time, thanks to the welcoming culture and people.

Xeanthea Dy

For me to have joined the team in going to Solomon Islands this year was truly a blessing. I treasure all of the memories I made with the children and all of the friends I made. I truly enjoyed spending time with the kids, sharing laughs and playing with them. I also enjoyed doing outreach programs at the local rubbish dump and the hospital.

The worship and the embracing community amplified the experience. God opened my eyes and my heart during this trip and I am so thankful for the many valuable life lessons he has taught me. I am very excited to visit again next time.

Vien Cajipe

My experience of the Solomon Islands missions trip was very confronting. I have learnt how lucky we are to have everything we have here in Australia. The trip gave me a lot of insight into what happens in less developed countries. I am thankful for the opportunity to have experienced such an amazing trip.

Hannah Lees


Adelaide Christian Centre in Solomon Islands 2017


On Tuesday 11th of July myself and five young people from our church (Adelaide Christian Centre) flew out of Brisbane headed for Honiara. Our trip was full of fun and challenging times.

We began our trip with our CRC family at Gateway Centre in Honiara. We ran a leadership seminar from Wednesday to Friday night and then held our last session the following Monday night. All of the team had the opportunity to share or perform items in our services at Gateway. Whilst in Honiara the team also had the opportunity to run a kids club where they played games and ran activities with the children from church and the surrounding area. All of the kids seemed to enjoy it!

On Wednesday 19th of July we travelled by boat to Malaita where we visited our CRC family in Daudau village and Faugwari village. After a few mix ups with transport we ended up catching the slow boat which took five hours and caused a few of our team to experience sea sickness. Our time in the village was very special to our team and the people we visited. The team had a great time running children’s programs and participating in night meetings on Thursday and Friday night.

On the Saturday we headed back to Honiara via fast boat and spent our last few days ministering in Honiara before heading home on Tuesday 25th of July.

I was strongly encouraged by our team and their ability to stretch beyond their comfort zones during the trip. Following are testimonies from some of our team. There is also a video and some photos to look through.

Pr Mike Groom


Our trip to the Solomon Islands was a fun and challenging experience. For me the trip was a life changing experience because when I got back from the Solomons I felt like a different person. I don’t know how to explain it but it’s true. I learnt a lot of things such as remembering to be yourself and to be content with what you have now and to always be thankful.

I saw a lot of kids there that don’t have many toys or gadgets to play with; I think they only have a soccer ball. I am mainly talking about the kids in Malaita that we visited. I really enjoyed spending time with the kids in Malaita and this is one of the main things that is encouraging me to go back there on another missions trip. I want to go on more missions trips to learn more things, not only in the Solomons but around the world, where I can help reach those people who need the most help.

During my time in the Solomons I saw the differences between how people live in villages, in the province and other places, compared to how I live in Australia. I enjoyed a lot of things during my trip including playing with the kids, laughing together, riding in the back of trucks through mud, laughing when people fell over in the mud (it’s mean but it’s pretty funny haha), swimming in the river and riding on the terrible boat while watching people vomit haha. In Honiara I really enjoyed the way they worship with dancing which was my favourite part.

In both places that we visited I really enjoyed making lots of new friends. John 13:34-35 says: ‘A new command I give you: love one another as I have loved you so, so you must love one another by this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another’.

Alexis Asilo

Going to the Solomon Islands was both challenging and enjoyable. Some of the fun things we did were four wheel driving through super muddy terrain, sitting at the back of trucks, running children’s programs, swimming in the river, making lots of new friends and seeing how having little does not determine happiness.

Don’t get me wrong though, the trip was challenging too. At times we were taken out of our comfort zones. We were forced to interact and talk with those we may not have anything in common with, we needed to eat unfamiliar foods, we were asked to sing and present in front of others and we had to ride on two boats. These were uncomfortable times indeed but they added to the fun and experience!

I definitely hope to go back next year and see what God will teach me next time.

Ester Manego

It’s always a life changing experience going on a trip like this. There is nothing quite like venturing out of what is familiar and stepping into the unknown. One of the most unforgettable experiences wasdefinitely the vibrant and energy filledworship. Wherever there was worship there was a kind of atmosphere where you could tell the voices really reflected the heart and it was beautiful! Also, seeing the work happening in the places we visited was such an encouragement. God is doing great things in Honiara and the villages in Malaita!

There were lots of ups and downs on the trip, particularly on the main road to Daudau village; there were potholes everywhere! But after arriving at the village and getting well acquainted with their fresh water shower (plumbed straight from the mountain), we quickly forgot about the discomforts that surround their transport systems.

There are too many things to say about the trip but there is one thing I would like to say. Originally I thought going on this trip meant having to leave home, but then I came to the realisation that home is wherever there are people who love God.

Paolo Manego

Although I have now been to the SolomonIslands five times each trip has beenunique and very special to me. This trip in particular opened my eyes to new perspectives and allowed me to experience a number of new things. I thoroughly enjoyed travelling beyond Honiara and Guadalcanal province, something I had not done previously, to the province of Malaita where we visited two villages, Daudau and Faugwari. Village life was extremely different to my life back in Australia but I enjoyed it immensely. Despite the heat, I enjoyed interacting with new people and creating new friendships.

I enjoyed experiencing a way of life that I am not used to and stepping outside my comfort zone into all the new things God wanted to show me.

One of the biggest challenges for me was sharing at Gateway Centre’s Friday night youth meeting in Honiara. I was extremely nervous about sharing in front of people I have come to know very well but after delivering my message I gained a new sense of confidence and realised that God is always with us when we reach beyond our comfort zones and trust in him.

Missions trips are an amazing opportunity to gain new perspectives, to learn more about ourselves, to create new friendships and to experience what it truly means to trust in God in every situation. I encourage every person, young and old, to go on at least one missions trip when the opportunity arises if you are able.

Mikaela Groom


A Presence In Every Nation By 2045

The National Leaders of CRC Churches International play a major role in implementing our International vision.

Each year in the week following the National Conference in Australia, an International Leaders Gathering is held bringing together the national leaders of the various countries CRC is involved in together with Australian Pastors who are actively involved in global missions.

In October 2016 the International Leaders Gathering was held at South Eastern Christian Centre, Endeavour Hills, Melbourne. A total of about 45 leaders gathered for two days from China, England, Fiji, Ghana, India, Myanmar, New Zealand, Philippines, PNG, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Uganda, Vanuatu as well as Australia. 

There was great input from those representing our newer fields - England, Uganda, China and Bolivia. There was also excellent presentations and discussions on ‘The Highs and Lows of Self Supporting Ministry’ and ‘The Gospel and Humanitarian Aid’. 

INTERNATIONAL LEADERS GATHERING 2014BACK ROW (LEFT TO RIGHT) Barry Silverback, Jono Osborne, Gena Wari, Hans Voortman, Peter Igarobae, Bill Vasilakis, Fuwe Hageyo, Ai Wari, Alipate Yagomate, Neil MilneFRONT ROW (LEFT TO RIGHT) Earnest Somanathan, Da…


Barry Silverback, Jono Osborne, Gena Wari, Hans Voortman, Peter Igarobae, Bill Vasilakis, Fuwe Hageyo, Ai Wari, Alipate Yagomate, Neil Milne

Earnest Somanathan, David Wallace, Danny Parker, Kevin Hughes, Remy Adams, Mike Cronin, David Wright, Jimmy Vasula, Barnabas Tabara


Typhoon Pam Vanuatu

Typhoon Pam hit Port Vila, the capital of Vanuatu, on Friday 13 March 2015, causing immense damage to buildings and vegetation. Many buildings lost their roof and then there was considerable rain damage to household goods.

CRC Pastors Greg Crome and Bill Brill, who have close connections with Vanuatu, got into action quickly to help. Field Supporter Pr Greg Crome visited Vanuatu within a week of the typhoon to help access the need. Pr Bill Brill made contact with a Cristian organisation ‘Liberty for the Nation’, who have worked extensively in Vanuatu. Containers of supplies and roofing materials have now been sent.

Pr Remy Adams, the CRC national leader in Vanuatu, has identified forty-nine churches and houses that need major roof repairs. These will all be done in the near future, due to the generosity of CRC Churches in Australia and PNG. Within the first month of the typhoon Australian CRC Churches had raised over $30,000.


Colombo Project Update

Pr Neil Milne has accepted the role of spear heading the project. He visited Colombo in November and is taking very effective steps to action the project. 

There has been faithful giving from our churches over the last 4 years which has enabled us to pay for the land and gather nearly $100,000 toward the building.

Soil tests have now been taken in preparation for the start of the building. Working drawing are being finalised and a permit application will be lodged soon. Then building quotes will be called for. 

We are still in need of $300,000-$350,000, to complete the first stage of the project (3 floors), but money is continuing to come in. It is anticipated that the first stage of the building should be completed by early 2016. This would provide 2 residences, meeting hall, children’s ministry area, office and car parking. 

The completion of stage 1 will be an exciting step for the CRC Church in Colombo and would greatly enhance the effectiveness of the whole CRC work in Sri Lanka.


Diggerland Team in Solomon Islands

June 27th to July 11th, 2014

A team of 13 youth and young adults from Diggerland Church in Red Cliffs, Victoria, had been praying and preparing to attend the CRC International Youth Jamboree in Honiara, Solomon Islands in June/July 2014. When the Jamboree was cancelled due to the devastating floods that swept through Honiara in April, it didn’t take long for the team, under the leadership of Pr Andre and Ruth Whitton, and Pr Rebekah Milne to decide that they should continue with plans to go to the Solomons with the firm belief that God would bless them and use them to bless the Solomon Islanders, and take ground from the enemy. They were also convinced that God would reveal His awesome power, love and mercy as they went in faith.

The Diggerland team together with a team from Griffiths led by Pr Steve Rand combined together in Honiara at the beginning and end of their trip. For the week in-between they ministered in villages on the island of Malaita. 

They spoke in churches, children’s ministry, women’s and men’s gatherings and a prison. They ministered deliverance, healing, including a lady who was blind in one eye receiving her sight. Many people were born again, baptised in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. This all resulted in a lot of joyous praise and a powerful presence of God in the meetings. Amongst various subjects, they spoke on joy, forgiveness, the presence of God, and a workshop on prophesying and the prophetic. 

This was truly a special trip. The team prepared well and had been praying for some time and were believing for God to use them to bring revival, joy and refreshing to the people they visited in the Solomon’s. It was more than they hoped for. It’s felt that strong bonds were formed, and the team are looking forward to attending the Jamboree next year and visiting Faugwari again.

From the Australian Missions Director


From the Australian Missions Director
Pr Mike Cronin

Welcome to the CRC Missions website.

We appreciate you visiting this site and trust that it will be an encouragement to you.

We are passionate about following Jesus and fulfilling His Great Commission.

CRC Missions is actively pursuing our movements International Vision of a ‘Presence in Every Nation by 2045’ – our centenary. A presence is defined as an active ongoing ministry involvement in a nation, the purpose being aimed toward fulfilling the Great Commission of Jesus to make disciples of all peoples. A major part of doing this is by training leaders, evangelism and planting churches, as well as assisting with humanitarian needs.

Thank you very much everyone who is contributing in any way to our CRC International vision.

Those who pray, those who give, those who go to support our existing fields, or to pioneer new fields, are all contributing to the fulfilment of this great vision. CRC churches are now touching 69 nations in some way. This is up from 52 nations four years ago.

Of the 69 nations, 37 are being visited regularly which significantly contributes to an effective ongoing ministry to those nations.